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Against The Grain Journal

Charleston Library Conference 

Jul 17, 2023

Audio from the 2022 Charleston Conference from a Session titled “Making Preservation Inevitable” where the question is asked “Is the scholarly record preserved for the future? Not quite yet… this is very much a work in progress, and there are additional steps each of us (and our organizations!) can take to...

Jul 10, 2023

Audio from the 2022 Charleston Conference from a Neopolitan Session titled “Whole EBook ILL Redux.” In this session, panelists discussed results and updates on ProQuest’s, a part of Clarivate,  successful Whole Ebook ILL pilot. This session was presented by Allen Jones (the New School), Whitney Murphy...

Jul 3, 2023

In today’s episode, we’re talking with Emma Warren-Jones, Co-Founder, Scholarcy.  Emma is interviewed by Matthew Ismail, a Conference Director and Editor in Chief of the Charleston Briefings.

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