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Against The Grain Journal

Charleston Library Conference 

Oct 25, 2021

In today's episode we feature audio from a Lively Discussion from the 2020 Charleston Library Conference, titled "Serials Crisis: Can data help treat this chronic condition?" Presented by Lori Carlin, Chief Commercial Officer, Delta Think, Inc.; Keith Webster, Dean of University Libraries, Carnegie Mellon University; Michele Potter, Collection Strategist for Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM), University of California, Riverside Library; and Amy Pawlowski, Executive Director, OhioLINK.

When it comes to library budgets, there is an ever-widening gap between university budgets and library budgets, with library budgets continuing to shrink even when university budgets may increase. This gap is neither new nor novel; but now in this era of global pandemic, moves to online learning, and unprecedented changes in higher education budgets, the problem is worse than ever and likely poised to accelerate at a rapid pace. 

What may be different, however, is that today's deep well of data can help stakeholders track down, understand, and respond to these challenges.  But what data is most useful and how can we gather it?

In this session, we will hear from some of the leading experts in both consortia and institutional libraries about data hunting and innovative ways data can be used to make the most of purchasing spend. Visibility into current pricing trends, including by discipline, business model and publisher helps inform the purchasing context. At-a-glance intelligence about business models and deals, as well as descriptions of emerging model and deal types, help early career professionals and senior staff alike keep current on this rapidly changing landscape.

We’d like to thank Lori Carlin, Keith Webster, Michele Potter, and Amy Pawloski again for participating in this Panel. The video recording of this session is available on the conference’s YouTube channel at the link provided below.

Video of the presentation available at: