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Against the Grain is your key to the latest news about libraries, publishers, book jobbers, and subscription agents. Our goal is to link publishers, vendors, and librarians by reporting on the issues, literature, and people that impact the world of books and journals.

Against The Grain Journal

Charleston Library Conference 

Mar 1, 2021

In today's episode we will feature an interview with Dr. Earl Lewis, University of Michigan, Director of Center for Social Solutions. This interview is part of the popular "Views from the Penthouse Suite" series and was introduced by Tom Gilson, Associate Editor, Against the Grain, and conducted by Jim O'Donnell, University Librarian, Arizona State University

Two weeks ago we featured Dr. Lewis' keynote presentation from the 2020 Charleston Conference where he showed us how leading requires more than managing change, it requires a focus on building a community of grace during such turbulent times. What a wonderful kickoff to the Conference and our new podcast season it was! Tom and Jim caught up with Dr. Lewis after his keynote to speak with him. He talked with them about his experience with libraries growing up in Norfolk, Virginia in the 1960's. He says the library, even in a segregated city at that time, became a more desegregated space for him. He recalls barriers being moved and the "opening up" as laws were changed and the impacts it had on him and his family. He also reflects how his background shapes his view of where we are as a society now and how to handle the tasks ahead of us all.

Video of the Presentation is available at: