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Against The Grain Journal

Charleston Library Conference 

Feb 6, 2024

Audio from the 2023 Charleston Conference Leadership Interview Series. Erin Gallagher, Chair, Acquisitions and Collections Services of the University of Florida Libraries, and a Director of the Charleston Conference, interviews Richard Gallagher, President, Editor-in-Chief, Annual Reviews.

Erin and Richard talk about what attracted him to the sciences at an early age and his first move into publishing years ago with becoming editor for Immunology Today. Richard also talks about how he first became involved with the Charleston Conference and why the Charleston Hub is a really good fit with Annual Reviews.

Video of the Interview is available at:

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Keywords:    #annualreviews, #scholcomm, #research, #AdvanceResearch, #sciences, #ResearchPublication, #LeadershipDevelopment, #entrepreneurship, #leaders, #leadership, #collaboration, #2023ChsConf, #libraries, #librarianship, #LibraryResources, #LibraryNeeds, #LibraryLove, #ScholarlyPublishing, #ScholarlyWriting, #ScholarlyPub, #AcademicPublishing, #publishing, #LibrariesAndPublishers, #podcasts