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Against The Grain Journal

Charleston Library Conference 

Aug 21, 2023

In today’s episode, we’re talking with Jonathan Adams, Chief Scientist, Institute of Scientific Information, a part of Clarivate. 

Jonathan is interviewed by Matthew Ismail, a Conference Director and Editor in Chief of the Charleston Briefings.

Jonathan Adams is a jack of all trades in the scholarly communication field. He is a scientist who taught in higher education and published a successful book in the field of biology. He has been an Assistant Secretary and Science Policy Advisor to the UK government. He has founded a startup related to his research and teaching. He has been in charge of research evaluation at Digital Science and Thomson Reuters. And now he is Chief Scientist at ISI with Clarivate Analytics. He is very well qualified to discuss the research landscape!

In this podcast, Jonathan and Matthew discuss the recent report published by ISI, U.S. Research Trends:  The Impact Of Globalization and Collaboration. This report discusses many interesting topics, but perhaps the most relevant finding is that US STEM research, while still strong, is no longer dominant in the world. Jonathan and Matthew discuss the factors that have made the US less competitive in STEM research.

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