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Against The Grain Journal

Charleston Library Conference 

Dec 12, 2022

Audio from the 2022 Charleston Library Conference from the Plenary Session titled: “Values and Issues that Unite Us: The imperative for publishers, libraries and research institutions to join forces” presented by Dr. Caroline Sutton, CEO, The International Association for Scientific, Medical and Technical Publishers (STM).

Video of the presentation available at:

Social Media:

Twitter: @CarolineSutton

Keywords: #libraries, #librarians, #publishing, #publisher, #scholarlypublishing, #scholarly, #openaccess, #OpenResearch, #OpenScience, #research #academiclibraries, #healthscience, #2022ChsConf, #LibrariesAndPublishers #libraryissues, #libraryneeds,#librarychallenges, #libraryconference #podcast