Jun 22, 2020
This week’s episode features a fascinating ATG “Views from the Penthouse Suite” Interview from Dr. Patricia Brennan, Director of the National Library of Medicine. The interview is conducted by Meg White, Director of Technology Services at Rittenhouse Book Distributors and a Charleston Conference Director.
As a reminder, the Charleston Conference 2020 Call for Papers is now open. Submit your proposals before July 8. https://charlestonlibraryconference.com/call-for-papers/
Visit the Charleston Conference website to discover how we are responding to Covid-19. charlestonlibraryconference.com
Video of the interview with Dr. Brennan: https://youtu.be/Oafwv72pYb8
Charleston Conference Webcast Series: https://www.charlestonlibraryconference.com/video/webinars/
The ATG website is updated daily with not only the latest news and announcements in the library and publishing world, but we also now have frequent blog posts from the Editor, Katina Strauch, and other special guest authors on The Rumors Blog.
ATG “The Rumors Blog” https://against-the-grain.com/category/rumors/
This blog is an offshoot of Katina’s popular ATG personal interest column titled “If Rumors Were Horses.” Recent posts are on topics such as Covid-19 issues for law libraries, the future of print, and publishing in the time of plague. Recent guest authors include Bill Hannay, Partner at Schiff Hardin LLP and regular Charleston Conference presenter for the Long Arm of the Law plenary sessions, Bob Nardini, VP of Library Services at Proquest Books, and Vince Burns, VP Editorial at ABC Clio.