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Against The Grain Journal

Charleston Library Conference 

Jun 15, 2020

This week’s episode features the 2019 keynote presentation from Dr. Patricia Brennan, Director of the National Library of Medicine. The session is moderated by Meg White, Director of Technology Services at Rittenhouse Book Distributors and a Charleston Conference Director. We’d like to thank Meg White for her hard work in organizing this event and making this presentation possible, and thank Dr. Brennan for taking time out of her incredibly busy schedule to present in Charleston.


As a reminder, the Charleston Conference 2020 Call for Papers is now open. Submit your proposals before July 8.

Visit the Charleston Conference website to discover how we are responding to Covid-19.

Video of the keynote presentation with Dr. Brennan:

We also have a series of free webcasts. The most recent installment, Artificial Intelligence in Scholarly research, is available in three parts – part 1 and 2 are already recorded and available for viewing on demand, and Part 3 is coming up on Wednesday, June 17.  Charleston Conference Webcast Series: