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Against the Grain is your key to the latest news about libraries, publishers, book jobbers, and subscription agents. Our goal is to link publishers, vendors, and librarians by reporting on the issues, literature, and people that impact the world of books and journals.

Against The Grain Journal

Charleston Library Conference 

Jun 10, 2019

In the first episode of 2019’s Summer season, Leah welcomes our new host, Carol Apollo-Kennedy, Social Media Manager of The Charleston Conference and Against the Grain. We open with a quick introduction of Carol followed by the opening keynote of 2018’s Charleston Conference, presented by Annette Thomas, the Chief Executive Officer of the Scientific & Academic Research business of Clarivate Analytics.
We live in the age of the web. For information professionals in particular, this has been the defining fact of the last 25 years. It has enabled ever greater quantities of research to be published, expanded the range of media we can use, and offered new possibilities for recognizing and rewarding research contributions. But such opportunities also bring challenges and pitfalls. If we do the right things, this could be a golden age for research, but to make the most of it we must embrace the original principles that made the web itself such a powerful force.