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Against the Grain is your key to the latest news about libraries, publishers, book jobbers, and subscription agents. Our goal is to link publishers, vendors, and librarians by reporting on the issues, literature, and people that impact the world of books and journals.

Against The Grain Journal

Charleston Library Conference 

Feb 6, 2017

ATG Views from the Penthouse Suite Interview with Judith Russell

Against the Grain, the premier journal linking publishers, vendors, and librarians, is pleased to release a series of interviews titled "Views from the Penthouse Suite." These interviews are an annual occurrence at the Charleston Library Conference; one that we look forward to every year. Select speakers and attendees are invited to the Mark Clark Penthouse Suite on the 12th floor of the Francis Marion Hotel in historic downtown Charleston, SC, to discuss wide-ranging topics and issues of importance to the publishing and library world. This episode contains the audio from the video recorded by Jared Seay.

Judith C. Russell, Dean of University Libraries, University of Florida is interviewed by Tom Gilson and Jack Montgomery in November 2016 in an "Against the Grain" Penthouse interview at the 2016 Charleston Conference in Charleston, South Carolina.

Judith discusses her experience as the first female Superintendent of Documents and how it helped prepare her for her position as Dean of University Libraries, University of Florida. The conversation moves on to a unique pilot project in which UF Libraries and Elsevier are making their platforms interoperable to help showcase UF faculty research. Additional project benefits, including a fuller awareness of the faculty’s open access publishing and increased visibility of UF research, are also highlighted.

Judith then continues with a discussion of a similar arrangement that UF Libraries are developing with CHORUS and its member publishers. Judith also notes that this arrangement is serving as a model for other libraries that are interested in working with CHORUS publishers. The interview then switches to a discussion of collaborative collection development and several successful projects in which UF Libraries are participating.

Judith continues the focus on collaborative collection development by describing ASERL’s Collaborative Federal Depository Library program. The LLMC Digital Law library and the Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) are also offered as examples. Judith then moves on to discuss future possibilities for national collaborative collection development. The conversation ends with Judith noting the difficulty in choosing which projects to pursue among all the possible opportunities and stressing the need to be realistic.

The interview video on YouTube

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