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Against The Grain Journal

Charleston Library Conference 

Jun 24, 2019

In this week’s episode, the Long Arm of the Law session once again lights the Charleston Conference! Kenneth Crews, an attorney with Gipson Hoffman & Pancione, and William Hannay, a partner with Partner, Schiff Hardin LLP, inform us about the latest court cases and rulings that impact libraries and the information...

Jun 17, 2019

This week’s episode is from the Charleston Conference interview series, “Views from the Penthouse Suite”. Courtney McAllister (Electronic Resources Librarian, Lillian Goldman Law Library, Yale University) and Glenda Alvin (Assistant Director of Administrative Collection Management, Tennessee State University) talk...

Jun 10, 2019

In the first episode of 2019’s Summer season, Leah welcomes our new host, Carol Apollo-Kennedy, Social Media Manager of The Charleston Conference and Against the Grain. We open with a quick introduction of Carol followed by the opening keynote of 2018’s Charleston Conference, presented by Annette Thomas, the Chief...